Hi Guys I am Priyanshu Bhattacharjee(using blogger as Hackerboy). In this I will teach you Java
For starting java programming we should know some operators at first you should know basic operators 1. Data Types 2. Operators a. Arithmetic Operators b. Relational Operators c. Logical Operators d. Unary Operators e. Assignment Operators 1. Data Types:- Data Types are the defined storage format that a variable can store to perform some specific operations. Each data types uses Java Keywords to be characterized. To utilize maximum amount of memory, Java provides a large number of Data Types. Data Types:- 1. Integer- int 2. Fractional- float, double 3. Character- char 4. Boolean- boolean Arithmetic Operators:- It is used to perform basic arithmetical operations such as addition, substraction, etc. Some Arithmetic Operators Addition- (+) Substraction- (-) Multiplication- (*) Division- (/) Modulus- (%) Modulus is used to find remainder.
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