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Basic Program: WAP to print the sum of 20 and 50.

Wap to print the sum of 20 and 50

import java.util.*;
class java
public static void main()
int a,b,c;



Data Type used:-
Integer- int

Operator used:-
Addition- (+)

1. From import java.util to public static void main() it is a package except the bracket.
2. Class is used to define the class which we are using example class java.
3. Opening brackets are used to give instruction to the program that the particular program is starting from where and ending where
4. System.out.println() is used to give the output.
5. System.out.println(c): the C inside the bracket is the specific output like
It defines that where the program is executing. I can be d also depending on the program which we are doing.
6. (;) is used to confirm the program that the specific line is ending


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